Showcase of your most creative Room Decor Ideas & Interior Design Inspirations
#MilanDesignWeek-Recycled Material
My idea with recycled material is to save the world's resources. It is beautiful with wood that is not perfect, uneven and different colored with a little nail hole everywhere. Metal that has rusted a little fits very well with old wood. It is only the imagination that has limitations otherwise you can do exactly what you want.
17 June 2022 7
Gennaio (January) - Magical Castle on the Ocean
January - I would like to start the year in a magical place to be able to dream that all year is a fairy tale, rather than being full of problems as it is actually. And therefore: a fairytale castle immersed in the middle of the sea, where the sun always shines.
3 January 31
Queen Hotel - agreement with the MET
Luxury hotel affiliated with the participants in MET
21 May 5
Концепция застройки территории: 1. Здание гостиницы - 3 этажа - 1й этаж - кафе и приемная зона гостиницы - 2й и 3й этажи - гостиница 2. Апартаменты с бассейном - 2 этажа 3. Территория: - Трехуровневый бассейн с подогревом, включая детский - Детская игровая площадка - Парковки - Мангальная зона для апартаментов - Коммерческая зона (ларьки для торговли фруктами, овощами, выпечкой, мороженым и т.п.)
31 March 0
MGT 330 Project Arcade/Bar/Pub
Modern arcade/bar Insired by this folder
12 May 2023 0
Homestyler has a total of 18 9300sqft-floor-plan-design-ideas, These design cases are 100% originally designed by interior designers. If you also have great creative living room design ideas, use Homestyler floor plan creator software to realize it.
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