Showcase of your most creative Room Decor Ideas & Interior Design Inspirations
Appartamento ispirato ai toni desertici e avvolgenti del film "Dune". Un'atmosfera calda e avvolta in toni di terracotta, l'oro bruciato e il marrone scuro, richiamano le dune sabbiose e il sole rovente del deserto. Pareti dai colori terra e mobili realizzati in legno scuro o in bronzo, con linee pulite e geometriche, richiamando l'architettura minimalista ma sontuosa delle dimore di Arrakis. Tessuti color caramello e luci soffuse.
11 December 206
Would do you visit a chamber music concert in an ancient antique cave, that used in past as a water reservoir? Thick stone walls and high vaults that underpined by column creates not only cool,shade and freshness all hot year, but also gives great accoustics for a life music and voice. Just add a bit of light and a celebration atmosfere for an elegant evening is ready.
29 March 2023 83
This house is powered by the solar cells on the roof. The house itself is made of concrete with wood on the floor and walls. In addition to the laundry room and the bathroom.
18 December 0
#BrunchContest - królewskie śniadanie
Projekt składa się z dwóch pięter. Pierwsze piętro jest w stylu boho , parter w stylu eleganckim, klasycznym.
1 August 2022 2
I created a Spa/Resort for women to come to relax & enjoy some tea/champagne with some friends.
14 March 2022 4
The coastal style house located on the coast of Mombasa, along the Indian Ocean, being loved by everyone that remembers the moments of relaxation and fun on the beach. This design style gives a bright and airy appearance to the interiors, creates a quite and relaxing atmosphere by using natural materials and textures.
12 June 2023 0
esse projeto foi elaborado no novo homestyler,confesso que estranhei algumas coisinhas ...estou aprendendo ainda alguns icones..e como apagar ceu...
17 November 2020 2
Homestyler has a total of 9 1450sqm-floor-plan-design-ideas, These design cases are 100% originally designed by interior designers. If you also have great creative living room design ideas, use Homestyler floor plan creator software to realize it.
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170sqm floor plan design ideas4350sqm floor plan design ideas6700sqft floor plan design ideas1110sqm floor plan design ideas