
Yarisnein Padreda Sanchez

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31 设计 · 247 贊

Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings




Modern house in the countryside.

Beautiful wooden house on the outskirts of the city whit a moder and homely touch. It has a cozy entrance where you can comfortably have a coffee in the morning. The garden has a large outdoor space.

平面佈置圖 187.45㎡

Modern house in the countryside. floor plan 187.45
Small one-bedroom house with internal bathroom, entrance with terrace and a living room shared with the kitchen.

空間展示 12 張渲染圖

Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings
I love outdoor space.
Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings
Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings
Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings
Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings
Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings
Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings
Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings
Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings
Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings
Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings
Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings

這篇名為Modern house in the countryside.的家裝設計案例是於2024-03-12在Homestyler上公開發布的,並且100%由設計師使用Homestyler戶型設計軟件原創設計。此案例一共包含12張高質量渲染圖。

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更新於:2024-03-12 位置: Australia

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