
Yarisnein Padreda Sanchez

badge 20 個のデザイン

31 デザイン · 247 好き

Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings




Modern house in the countryside.

Beautiful wooden house on the outskirts of the city whit a moder and homely touch. It has a cozy entrance where you can comfortably have a coffee in the morning. The garden has a large outdoor space.

フロアプラン 187.45㎡

Modern house in the countryside. floor plan 187.45
Small one-bedroom house with internal bathroom, entrance with terrace and a living room shared with the kitchen.

スペースショーケース 12 回のレンダリング

Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings
I love outdoor space.
Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings
Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings
Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings
Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings
Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings
Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings
Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings
Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings
Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings
Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings
Modern house in the countryside. 3d design renderings

このホームデザインプロジェクト-Modern house in the countryside.は2024-03-12に公開され、Homestylerフロアプランナーによって100%デザインされました。これには、12個の高品質の写実的なレンダリング画像が含まれています。

0 162
に更新:2024-03-12 位置: Australia

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