
Anglina El Chami

3 Dessins · 2 J'aime

Angelina's Cafe 3d design renderings


Planificateur d'étage Homestyler pour Web

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Angelina's Cafe

This is my Musical-Entertainment Cafe that has a Pool table and a Karaoke Stage. The cafe has 6 four person Tables, 9 two person tables and 2 window view tables, one is an 8 person table and the other has 2 couches. There is also a staff room and a bathroom.

Plan d'étage 343.82㎡

Angelina's Cafe floor plan 343.82
Angelina's Cafe 3d design picture 343.82
This is the floor plan of the cafe.

Exposition 18 Rendus

Angelina's Cafe 3d design renderings
You can see the stage and the cashier here.
Angelina's Cafe 3d design renderings
That's one of the window view tables.
Angelina's Cafe 3d design renderings
Here is an overall view of the cafe.
Angelina's Cafe 3d design renderings
That's another picture of the stage.
Angelina's Cafe 3d design renderings
These are 2 people tables that are near windows.
Angelina's Cafe 3d design renderings
That's the Pool table.
Angelina's Cafe 3d design renderings
That's the other window view table, the one with 8 chairs.
Angelina's Cafe 3d design renderings
Here is the door to the bathroom.
Angelina's Cafe 3d design renderings
That's where the staff would make coffee and drinks for customers.
Angelina's Cafe 3d design renderings
Angelina's Cafe 3d design renderings
Angelina's Cafe 3d design renderings
Angelina's Cafe 3d design renderings
Angelina's Cafe 3d design renderings
Angelina's Cafe 3d design renderings
Angelina's Cafe 3d design renderings
Angelina's Cafe 3d design renderings
That's the staff room.
Angelina's Cafe 3d design renderings
That's the washroom.

Ce projet home design - Angelina's Cafe a été publié le 2024-01-21 et a été conçu à 100 % par Homestyler floor planner, qui comprend 18 images rendues photoréalistes de haute qualité.

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