
hen dur

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Suburban American Dream 3d design renderings




Suburban American Dream

Split-level single-family homes just like this one can be found all across the United States. They were especially popular among the American middle class in the latter half of the 20th century, when the economy was prospering and the suburbs were rapidly expanding.

This design is inspired by Midwestern houses built in the 1960s and 1970s. It includes an attached garage, front porch, spacious lawn, deck, and shed. The interior is decorated with a mishmash of trends from the 1970s through the 2000s, which is often how these homes look after decades of renovations and redecorations.

平面佈置圖 671.23㎡

Suburban American Dream floor plan 671.23
The split-level home features one entry floor, with two short staircases leading to a floor that is half underground and to a floor that is half a story higher than the main entry. This required extensive usage of the Interior Modeling tool.

空間展示 21 張渲染圖

Suburban American Dream 3d design renderings
The exterior uses a combination of brick and aluminum siding. Being built on a hill means that the top half of the lower level is visible from the front of the house.
Suburban American Dream 3d design renderings
There is a small assortment of trees and bushes in the yard - but one of the most distinguishing features of American suburbia is (unfortunately) a big, open grass lawn.
Suburban American Dream 3d design renderings
White painted wicker porch furniture!
Suburban American Dream 3d design renderings
A tool shed for the backyard
Suburban American Dream 3d design renderings
It is hard to go anywhere in the suburbs without a car. The garage protects the vehicle from snowy midwestern winters.
Suburban American Dream 3d design renderings
A garage is also a storage space.
Suburban American Dream 3d design renderings
We enter through the front door and see the main living room.
Suburban American Dream 3d design renderings
The sofa and chair are upholstered in fabric that hasn't been in style for a long time - but they're as comfortable as furniture can be.
Suburban American Dream 3d design renderings
Here we can see the split between the levels. Half a story upstairs or half a story downstairs?
Suburban American Dream 3d design renderings
Peek at the downstairs bedroom...
Suburban American Dream 3d design renderings
Lots of oak cabinets - and some very 1970s green paint!
Suburban American Dream 3d design renderings
The old appliances still work just fine
Suburban American Dream 3d design renderings
Suburban American Dream 3d design renderings
The main dining area has sliding doors that open onto the deck.


Bedroom 3d design renderings
A colorful space for the kids
Bedroom 3d design renderings
Suburban American Dream 3d design renderings
The downstairs bathroom uses the same medium oak cabinetry that was installed in many homes during the 1990s to 2000s.

Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom 3d design renderings
The master bedroom has a matching set of sturdy wooden furniture. Should the wallpaper, bedding, and curtains also match? Of course not - the more floral patterns, the better.
Master Bedroom 3d design renderings
Master Bedroom 3d design renderings


Bathroom 3d design renderings
Each bathroom features a combination bathtub/shower. We see more florals for the shower curtain, and more oak for the linen closet and vanity.

這篇名為Suburban American Dream的家裝設計案例是於2023-09-01在Homestyler上公開發布的,並且100%由設計師使用Homestyler戶型設計軟件原創設計。此案例一共包含21張高質量渲染圖。

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更新於:2023-09-01 位置: Midwestern United States

評論 (3)

  • avatar

    Yasha Zare

    how did you manage to creat the hill?


  • avatar

    hen dur @ Relaxing Meditation Sounds

    Thank you!


  • avatar

    Relaxing Meditation Sounds @ hen dur

