
kpop fan Xx-xx

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【System Auto-save】Untitled 3d design renderings




【System Auto-save】Untitled

inspired by Turkish houses that have a cave look style. don't know why a wooden bench chair is showing in the living room as I cannot see it when editing the house. my apologies as I wasen't able to order the rendering properly as I am not really used to this.

平面布置图 604.4㎡

【System Auto-save】Untitled floor plan 604.4
ground floor- hallway, stairs, water fountain, bathroom, living room, dining room, therapy house, kitchen.

first floor- relaxing room, sauna room, empty view walk in corridor, bedroom, closet room

空间展示 18 Renders

【System Auto-save】Untitled 3d design renderings
bedroom first floor, very simple wood-like and relaxing.
【System Auto-save】Untitled 3d design renderings
walk into an empty hallway


Lounge 3d design renderings
Lounge 3d design renderings
relaxing room first floor
Lounge 3d design renderings
Lounge 3d design renderings
sauna room first floor
【System Auto-save】Untitled 3d design renderings
【System Auto-save】Untitled 3d design renderings
【System Auto-save】Untitled 3d design renderings
hallway, second square is connected to the stairs, etc.
【System Auto-save】Untitled 3d design renderings
corridor connected from kitchen to dining room to therapy room, the therapy room is also connected to the ground floor stairs and bathroom
【System Auto-save】Untitled 3d design renderings
closet room
【System Auto-save】Untitled 3d design renderings
first floor
【System Auto-save】Untitled 3d design renderings
ground floor dining room
【System Auto-save】Untitled 3d design renderings
ground floor living room
【System Auto-save】Untitled 3d design renderings
ground floor living room
【System Auto-save】Untitled 3d design renderings
ground floor kitchen
【System Auto-save】Untitled 3d design renderings
ground floor bath room
【System Auto-save】Untitled 3d design renderings
ground floor therapy room.

这篇名为【System Auto-save】Untitled的家装设计案例是于2023-03-12在Homestyler上公开发布的,并且100%由设计师使用Homestyler户型设计软件原创设计。此案例一共包含18张高质量渲染图。

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评论 (1)

  • avatar

    kpop fan Xx-xx

    i dont know why the other rooms aren't showing
