
Barbora Design

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Modern Natural Inspired Apartment 3d design renderings





Modern Natural Inspired Apartment

Modern Natural Inspired Apartment with one bedroom, living room + kitchen and bathroom.

平面布置图 86.45㎡

Modern Natural Inspired Apartment floor plan 86.45
Modern Natural Inspired Apartment 3d design picture 86.45
I tried to design a small apartment for two young people, who are starting their own life. Big living room with kitchen is the main room, where you can find all you need. Bedroom is small cozy room, where you can clear your mind. And in the bathroom I tried to desing a perfect place to relax.

空间展示 6 Renders

Modern Natural Inspired Apartment 3d design renderings
Modern Natural Inspired Apartment 3d design renderings
Modern Natural Inspired Apartment 3d design renderings
Modern Natural Inspired Apartment 3d design renderings
Modern Natural Inspired Apartment 3d design renderings
Modern Natural Inspired Apartment 3d design renderings

这篇名为Modern Natural Inspired Apartment的家装设计案例是于2022-07-07在Homestyler上公开发布的,并且100%由设计师使用Homestyler户型设计软件原创设计。此案例一共包含6张高质量渲染图。

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