
Veronika McKenzie

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Master Bedroom 3d design renderings




Master Bedroom

Neutral tranquility was the mood I was trying to achieve. I had a trouble creating slanted ceiling but eventually I worked it out by using a gable roof and false ceiling. I still need to perfect the finish though. It needs filling the gaps between the roof and windows. Once I figure it out I’ll share it.

平面佈置圖 19.09㎡

Master Bedroom floor plan 19.09

空間展示 5 張渲染圖

Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom 3d design renderings
Master Bedroom 3d design renderings
Master Bedroom 3d design renderings
Master Bedroom 3d design renderings
Master Bedroom 3d design renderings

這篇名為Master Bedroom的家裝設計案例是於2022-09-17在Homestyler上公開發布的,並且100%由設計師使用Homestyler戶型設計軟件原創設計。此案例一共包含5張高質量渲染圖。

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