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badge 20 conceptions

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Cozy Beauty 3d design renderings


Planificateur d'étage Homestyler pour Web

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Cozy Beauty

At first, I only started out with the room shown in the cover, but then I decided that I wanted to add more. I then added the bathroom that was linked by a small hallway, but that didn't seem like enough. I then added the kitchen through an arched opening to the other end of the hall. After having all that done, I decided to finish it off to the best that I could by adding a laundry room and a living room.

Plan d'étage 193.74㎡

Cozy Beauty floor plan 193.74

Exposition 7 Rendus

Cozy Beauty 3d design renderings
The Bathroom
Cozy Beauty 3d design renderings
The Entrance
Cozy Beauty 3d design renderings
The Modern-ish Kitchen
Cozy Beauty 3d design renderings
Main Bedroom
Cozy Beauty 3d design renderings
The Laundry Room
Cozy Beauty 3d design renderings
The Living Room
Cozy Beauty 3d design renderings
The Balcony

Ce projet home design - Cozy Beauty a été publié le 2022-11-22 et a été conçu à 100 % par Homestyler floor planner, qui comprend 7 images rendues photoréalistes de haute qualité.

0 545
Actualisé:2022-11-22 Emplacement: In the Country Side

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