
Falah Ali

3 Dessins · 0 J'aime

House 3d design renderings


Planificateur d'étage Homestyler pour Web

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A Precious house with a unique deign to make you feel comfortable in your home. Nice, Warm, And Cozy.

Plan d'étage 492.92㎡

House floor plan 492.92
House 3d design picture 492.92
A house layout that tells you the foundation upon which this house was built. Planned very carefully and thoughtfully to give you the most efficient design possible.

Exposition 13 Rendus

Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom 3d design renderings
A Room that is built to make you free from the outside world and have the free and wide space all to yourself.


Bedroom 3d design renderings
Bed Room, A place where you can handle your own personal business with all the necessary things you need.
House 3d design renderings
A beautiful living room with a lot space to play and comfort.
House 3d design renderings
A beautiful living room with a lot space to play and comfort.


Kitchen 3d design renderings
The Kitchen is one of the most important part of the house due to preparing food and serving.

Gym Room

Gym Room 3d design renderings
GYM Room is specially designed to make you fit and focused on the goals you want to archive. There is a mirror which you can look at yourself while pumping your arms with dumbbells.

Laundry Room

Laundry Room 3d design renderings
Laundry Room has 2 washing machines and 1 Dryer to help you clean your cloths, plus with an iron stand to straighten your cloths and look fresh.

Master Bedroom1

Master Bedroom1 3d design renderings
A room with a lot of fancy things, such as a fire place so that you can be warm in your room.

VideoGames Room

VideoGames Room 3d design renderings
The video game room is by far the best because it provides you entertainment and enjoyment.


BathRoom 3d design renderings
The best part about this bathroom is that everything is so close and in reach, Plus with open space.

BathRoom 2

BathRoom 2 3d design renderings
Another bathroom with a bathtub so that you can comfortably take a bath and relax your mind.
House 3d design renderings
A hall way is very long and free of space to enjoy and walk around.

BathRoom 3

BathRoom 3 3d design renderings
This one of a kind bathroom has literally everything you'll ever need in your life to keep yourself clean.

Ce projet home design - House a été publié le 2022-03-09 et a été conçu à 100 % par Homestyler floor planner, qui comprend 13 images rendues photoréalistes de haute qualité.

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