
yass vglaz

badge 20 個のデザイン

10 デザイン · 33 好き

blue playhouse 3d design renderings




blue playhouse

nightclub in a blue/purple theme with touches of green and acrylic

フロアプラン 439.48㎡

blue playhouse floor plan 439.48
Created a pretty simple plan devided in three areas: the bathrooms, kitchen and bar/lounge area

スペースショーケース 12 回のレンダリング

blue playhouse 3d design renderings
My favorite part is the bar, tried again to add acrylic touches and texture to the bar
blue playhouse 3d design renderings
The purple acrylic chairs gives more life to the space and dark bar space
blue playhouse 3d design renderings
blue playhouse 3d design renderings
blue playhouse 3d design renderings
blue playhouse 3d design renderings
blue playhouse 3d design renderings
blue playhouse 3d design renderings
blue playhouse 3d design renderings
Men's WC in a blue theme and acrylic vanity
blue playhouse 3d design renderings
Women's WC in a reddish/pinkish theme
blue playhouse 3d design renderings
blue playhouse 3d design renderings

このホームデザインプロジェクト-blue playhouseは2021-12-31に公開され、Homestylerフロアプランナーによって100%デザインされました。これには、12個の高品質の写実的なレンダリング画像が含まれています。

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