
Runner Girl

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dad's master bathroom 3d design renderings




dad's master bathroom

I designed this master bathroom, using a floorplan, for my dad, off his master bedroom. He wanted a shower, and a custom cabinet to fit in an awkward amount of space. We tried it with a full counter, and it felt like too much empty space, so we put a linen closet under the window, instead. a shower with frosted glass is tucked in a corner, and a pocket door closes off a toilet, and cabinet. the white trim, counter, tile, and sinks, stands out beautifully against the dark wood, and blue walls.

フロアプラン 11.81㎡

dad's master bathroom 3d design picture 11.81
I never thought that making a weird-shaped room, and custom designing it based off of floorplans could be so difficult, because all the other ones I have made, have been for fun, and not in real life.
This was definitely harder than I expected, but it was super fun to watch it come together.

スペースショーケース 6 回のレンダリング

dad's master bathroom 3d design renderings
dad's master bathroom 3d design renderings
The shower is tucked in a little nook in the wall.
dad's master bathroom 3d design renderings
custom cabinets i created
dad's master bathroom 3d design renderings
dad's master bathroom 3d design renderings

このホームデザインプロジェクト-dad's master bathroomは2021-12-20に公開され、Homestylerフロアプランナーによって100%デザインされました。これには、6個の高品質の写実的なレンダリング画像が含まれています。

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コメント (2)

  • avatar

    Runner Girl @ Chloe M.

    thank you:)


  • avatar

    Chloe M.

    Good job! This looks so cool.
