
Lourdes Hinsch

7 デザイン · 0 好き

Copy of Apartment Complex 3d design renderings




Copy of Apartment Complex

フロアプラン 180.57㎡

Copy of Apartment Complex floor plan 180.57
Copy of Apartment Complex 3d design picture 180.57
I designed the area with easily accessible rooms that aren't grouped together. Some areas are seperated by hallways.

スペースショーケース 15 回のレンダリング


bathroom 3d design renderings
Here is the bathroom. I wanted to heavily incorporate light.


Bedroom1 3d design renderings
This design was created with kids in mind. Its spacious with enough room for toys and playing.
Bedroom1 3d design renderings


Hallway 3d design renderings
I didn't want a livingroom that was abnormally large, therefore, I created this room which also utilizes space in an efficient way.

Living Room

Living Room 3d design renderings
Living Room 3d design renderings


Bedroom 3d design renderings
Once again, space and accessibility for a bedroom is very important to me.
Bedroom 3d design renderings

Dining Room

Dining Room 3d design renderings
I wanted to create a room solely for dining. Most living room and dining room are combined together and I didn't want the same vision for this one.
Dining Room 3d design renderings

このホームデザインプロジェクト-Copy of Apartment Complexは2021-06-17に公開され、Homestylerフロアプランナーによって100%デザインされました。これには、15個の高品質の写実的なレンダリング画像が含まれています。

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