
Mini Rini

1 デザイン · 3 好き

small home 3d design renderings




small home

This is my first project and I hope you like it.

フロアプラン 48.16㎡

small home floor plan 48.16
small home 3d design picture 48.16

スペースショーケース 8 回のレンダリング

small home 3d design renderings
This is shower.
small home 3d design renderings
This is sink and toilet.
small home 3d design renderings
This is a wardrobe in a recess near the bathroom.
small home 3d design renderings
This is a bed.
small home 3d design renderings
Tthis is gray sofa, coffe table and TV.
small home 3d design renderings
This is kitchen, office and dining room.
small home 3d design renderings
This is hall and dining room.
small home 3d design renderings
This is sofa.

このホームデザインプロジェクト-small homeは2021-06-05に公開され、Homestylerフロアプランナーによって100%デザインされました。これには、8個の高品質の写実的なレンダリング画像が含まれています。

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