
Sara Scopa

badge 20 個のデザイン

13 デザイン · 2 好き

victorian house 3d design renderings




victorian house

The approach to the new renovation was based on the requests and inputs to improve the space, new furnishing ideas and new room colours.

フロアプラン 97.87㎡

victorian house floor plan 97.87
victorian house 3d design picture 97.87
The rooms have remained the same in terms of size, the only extensions have been made to the bathroom by creating a space for both the shower and the bath and a small bathroom has been created in place of a walk-in wardrobe in the corridor

スペースショーケース 10 回のレンダリング

victorian house 3d design renderings
victorian house 3d design renderings
victorian house 3d design renderings
victorian house 3d design renderings
victorian house 3d design renderings
victorian house 3d design renderings
victorian house 3d design renderings
victorian house 3d design renderings
victorian house 3d design renderings
victorian house 3d design renderings

このホームデザインプロジェクト-victorian houseは2021-05-27に公開され、Homestylerフロアプランナーによって100%デザインされました。これには、10個の高品質の写実的なレンダリング画像が含まれています。

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