
Lemon Zest Buki

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The Balancing Act Studio 3d design renderings


Planificateur d'étage Homestyler pour Web

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The Balancing Act Studio

Welcome to the official floor plan for the dance studio in my story The Balancing Act! This floor plan doesn't really have any decoration unlike my other designs, but I think it's alright for understanding the setting anyway :]

Plan d'étage 1298.93㎡

The Balancing Act Studio 3d design picture 1298.93
The first and second floors are the exact same, with five rooms, two changing rooms, and three bathrooms. The only difference is that, on the ground floor, the final room is for the dance shop while the one on the second floor is used for storage.

Exposition 11 Rendus

Studio 5

Studio 5 3d design renderings
This is the fifth room on the ground floor and is the only room I actually sort of tried to furnish before getting distracted with other things XD
Studio 5 3d design renderings
A bit of the shitty (can I swear on this site??) barre I tried to put up can be seen here (they don't have an actual barre, so you'll have to suffer with the towel holders just as I did).
Studio 5 3d design renderings


A panarama for you to get a better feel for the room :)


Lounge1 3d design renderings
Ignore how there's no railing around the stairwell, I forgot to add it before taking this picture XD but anyway, welcome to the second floor lounge area :]
Lounge1 3d design renderings
Here you can see two of the dance rooms (the ones with the pink doors that I didn't know were pink until *after* I picked them out, but whatever) and the two dressing rooms against the back wall.
Lounge1 3d design renderings
Here's two more of the dance rooms and their pink doors


Lounge 3d design renderings
Here you can see the outside of the first dance room that actually isn't in any of the other photos bc it's in an awkward place
Lounge 3d design renderings
Three more of the dance rooms (with fun colors!!) and one of the dressing rooms :]
Lounge 3d design renderings
The fifth dance room with it's dumbass barre and a tiny sliver of the shop (that doesn't have anything in it bc this is a *house building site* and not a *business building shop*)
Lounge 3d design renderings
The front entrance and stairwell as well as one of the many floor-to-ceiling windows throughout the studio
Lounge 3d design renderings


A panarama of the ground floor lounge area for your viewing pleasure ;)

Ce projet home design - The Balancing Act Studio a été publié le 2021-04-27 et a été conçu à 100 % par Homestyler floor planner, qui comprend 11 images rendues photoréalistes de haute qualité.

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