
Raiana Raici

badge 20个设计

13 设计 · 8 贊




Modern penthouse

The apartment is small, yet very thoughtful designed. There is a small place for storage near the entrance, with a small bench in case it is needed. The living room is common space with the dining and kitchen area. The bedroom is clean, light, for a very "at home" feeling.

平面佈置圖 73.65㎡

Modern penthouse floor plan 73.65
Modern penthouse 3d design picture 73.65
This 2 bedroom apartment is small, yet neatly organized. You enter in a big open space area. The design is clean, in light colors, to offer the feeling of a big space all in all.

空間展示 15 張渲染圖

Modern penthouse 3d design renderings
Modern penthouse 3d design renderings
Modern penthouse 3d design renderings
Modern penthouse 3d design renderings
Modern penthouse 3d design renderings
Modern penthouse 3d design renderings
Modern penthouse 3d design renderings

Living and Dining Room

Living and Dining Room 3d design renderings
Living and Dining Room 3d design renderings
Living and Dining Room 3d design renderings
Living and Dining Room 3d design renderings

Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom 3d design renderings
Master Bedroom 3d design renderings

這篇名為Modern penthouse的家裝設計案例是於2021-06-01在Homestyler上公開發布的,並且100%由設計師使用Homestyler戶型設計軟件原創設計。此案例一共包含15張高質量渲染圖。


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評論 (1)

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    Homestyler Official

    Nice video!!!
