
Jubilee Maningo

3 Dessins · 2 J'aime

Pastel homey living area 3d design renderings


Planificateur d'étage Homestyler pour Web

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Pastel homey living area

I use pastel color with the combination of earthy materials like plants. For the walls I use 2 types of light color to achieve the relaxing ambient effect. The texture of furniture was lightly opposite to each other to add volume and depth.it feels so homey.

Plan d'étage 97.48㎡

Pastel homey living area floor plan 97.48
Pastel homey living area 3d design picture 97.48

Exposition 3 Rendus

Living and Dining Room

Living and Dining Room 3d design renderings
Living and Dining Room 3d design renderings
Living and Dining Room 3d design renderings

Ce projet home design - Pastel homey living area a été publié le 2021-09-07 et a été conçu à 100 % par Homestyler floor planner, qui comprend 3 images rendues photoréalistes de haute qualité.

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