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3 デザイン · 3 好き

My li'l bro's house 3d design renderings




My li'l bro's house

This house was designed by my little brother who was only five years old. if you ask me it is pretty cute.

フロアプラン 416.55㎡

My li'l bro's house floor plan 416.55

スペースショーケース 7 回のレンダリング


Bathroom 3d design renderings
This is the bathroom from the door
Bathroom 3d design renderings
This is the bathroom from the sink.
My li'l bro's house 3d design renderings
This is the first room you walk into.

Master Bedroom/Dining/Kitchen

Master Bedroom/Dining/Kitchen 3d design renderings
This is the Dining Space.
Master Bedroom/Dining/Kitchen 3d design renderings
This is the kitchen space.
Master Bedroom/Dining/Kitchen 3d design renderings
This is the back wall of the bedroom.
Master Bedroom/Dining/Kitchen 3d design renderings
This is the front wall of the bedroom. This space is I guess kind of like a living space.

このホームデザインプロジェクト-My li'l bro's houseは2021-09-02に公開され、Homestylerフロアプランナーによって100%デザインされました。これには、7個の高品質の写実的なレンダリング画像が含まれています。

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