
Lemon Zest Buki

9 デザイン · 8 好き

Hate Me Dorm 3d design renderings




Hate Me Dorm

This is the dorm room for Dream and George that's featured in my story Hate Me! I decided that having an actual setting would be helpful for not only me, but for those reading it as well, so please enjoy :)

フロアプラン 44.17㎡

Hate Me Dorm floor plan 44.17
Hate Me Dorm 3d design picture 44.17
This is an outside look/aerial view of the dorm where you can see a bit of each room as well as the overall floor plan (that doesn't hardly show anything, but whatever)

スペースショーケース 11 回のレンダリング


Bedroom 3d design renderings
Where Dream and George sleep, featuring their room mini fridge and basket of clothes they need to wash XD
Bedroom 3d design renderings
The desk George spends much of his time at, doing schoolwork and such. It took me so long to get it perfect, so I hope you like it XD


Bathroom 3d design renderings


The full bathroom :D
Bathroom 3d design renderings
A shower and some towels :)
Bathroom 3d design renderings
It's the bathroom, it's got everything a bathroom normally does. It's also very dark.

Living Room

Living Room 3d design renderings


A 360 image ;p
Living Room 3d design renderings
An HD version B)
Living Room 3d design renderings
The couch where much of the story goes down XD also the chair Sapnap often claims. Since George uses the desk, Dream is left to do his schoolwork on the coffee table.
Living Room 3d design renderings
The small counter area where Dream and George have the necessary utensils, and a fridge for any and all leftovers. This also took me a while to set up correctly XD
Living Room 3d design renderings
The tv and whatnot beneath it. Pretty basic (I like to think that Dream's mom picked out the photos for him XD)
Living Room 3d design renderings


360 from angle two :]

このホームデザインプロジェクト-Hate Me Dormは2023-10-26に公開され、Homestylerフロアプランナーによって100%デザインされました。これには、11個の高品質の写実的なレンダリング画像が含まれています。

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