
Anna Jalsevac

badge 200 jours

4 Dessins · 5 J'aime

Anna Jalsevac - restaurant - Feng shui 3d design renderings


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Anna Jalsevac - restaurant - Feng shui

The selected facility is located in Podutik, on the outskirts of Ljubljana.
Podutik is a small, quiet village with a lot of nature, which in turn attracts a lot of people.

Currently, most people stay at Podutiška cekrva, as there are no landscaping parks or playgrounds in the area. In 2019, Hidrotehnik, in addition to the church, which is mostly surrounded by nature, rehabilitated the dry reservoir and thus made a lake.

Due to the proximity of the church with a modern exterior, nature and the lake itself on site, I envisioned a day-floor restaurant with an outdoor gallery on the lake.

Ce projet home design - Anna Jalsevac - restaurant - Feng shui a été publié le 2023-04-05 et a été conçu à 100 % par Homestyler floor planner, qui comprend 0 images rendues photoréalistes de haute qualité.

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