
Vivian Cheek

1 デザイン · 0 好き

basic tiny home 3d design renderings




basic tiny home

This tiny house is perfect for a first home for a couple or a singular person. There are many multipurpose features in this tiny home to maximize the little space.

フロアプラン 42.97㎡

basic tiny home floor plan 42.97
basic tiny home 3d design picture 42.97
Going into making this home, I knew that I wanted the bathroom and bedroom to be pretty private. I used a loft to separate the kitchen and the bedroom.

スペースショーケース 7 回のレンダリング

basic tiny home 3d design renderings
basic tiny home 3d design renderings
bed with drawers for extra storage
basic tiny home 3d design renderings
multipurpose stairs
basic tiny home 3d design renderings
washer and dryer combo
basic tiny home 3d design renderings
wardrobe and desk/vanity in one.
basic tiny home 3d design renderings
basic tiny home 3d design renderings
composting toilet

このホームデザインプロジェクト-basic tiny homeは2021-01-23に公開され、Homestylerフロアプランナーによって100%デザインされました。これには、7個の高品質の写実的なレンダリング画像が含まれています。

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