
ada apeiranthiti

7 设计 · 0 赞

Christmas Home 3d design renderings




Christmas Home

Hello! Happy new year to everyone. Welcome to my cozy, new, Christmas home. This home has a bedroom, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a dining room, an office and a laundry room. It has also two little balconies and a bigger one. You can scroll down to see more.

平面布置图 226.9㎡

Christmas Home floor plan 226.9
Christmas Home 3d design picture 226.9
This is our floor plan. Here you can see the connection of the rooms.

空间展示 22 Renders

Laundry Room

Laundry Room 3d design renderings
Laundry Room 3d design renderings
Our laundry room is big enough to wash your clothes without disturbing.


Balcony1 3d design renderings
Balcony1 3d design renderings
This is the biggest balcony in this home. It has lots of space for more plants or furniture.


Bathroom1 3d design renderings
Bathroom1 3d design renderings
This one is the one of our two bathrooms. The one which is connected with the bedroom. It is comfortable enough and it always stays warm because of the radiator.


Office 3d design renderings
Office 3d design renderings
Office 3d design renderings
Our office. It has a big bookcase full of books.


Hallway1 3d design renderings
Hallway1 3d design renderings
This hallway can lead you to the rooms.


Kitchen 3d design renderings
Kitchen 3d design renderings
Here in the kitchen you can make your coffee or cook.

Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom 3d design renderings
Master Bedroom 3d design renderings
Our bedroom. Not so big, but comfortable enough.


Bathroom1 3d design renderings
Bathroom1 3d design renderings
Here is the second bathroom. Shiny, because of the colors of the wall.

Living and Dining Room

Living and Dining Room 3d design renderings


Our living room. You can chill, watching tv or playing any video game.
Living and Dining Room 3d design renderings
Dining room, where you can seat and eat your breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Living and Dining Room 3d design renderings
Living and Dining Room 3d design renderings
The main entrance of the house.

这篇名为Christmas Home的家装设计案例是于2021-05-01在Homestyler上公开发布的,并且100%由设计师使用Homestyler户型设计软件原创设计。此案例一共包含22张高质量渲染图。

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