
Fiona Mul.

3 Dessins · 0 J'aime

Ideal Study Space 3d design renderings



Planificateur d'étage Homestyler pour Web

Créer mon propre design

Ideal Study Space

Each small detail in this room adds to the creative and positive atmosphere meant to inspire anyone creating art. The chandelier has origami birds on it which symbolize happiness and good luck. The windows surround the desk give the resident a view into the outside world and easy access to inspiration. The mannequin fits the artistic theme because fashion design is one of the most popular art outlets. Also, the photo board allows inspirational and happy memories to be easily reached. I believe that nature is also a great source of inspiration so I included several plants in my design.

Plan d'étage 10.25㎡

Ideal Study Space 3d design picture 10.25

Exposition 4 Rendus


Studio 3d design renderings


Link: https://hspano.homestyler.com/?m=np&id=4HV7gJAnXYYMR1sL9dRfGj

Ce projet home design - Ideal Study Space a été publié le 2020-11-21 et a été conçu à 100 % par Homestyler floor planner, qui comprend 4 images rendues photoréalistes de haute qualité.

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