
Fabiana Zanghì

badge 50 conceptions

50 Dessins · 6 J'aime

shades of pink 3d design renderings


Planificateur d'étage Homestyler pour Web

Créer mon propre design

shades of pink

It is an apartment conceived by the romantic mind of a woman, in which to live and work guarantees tranquility and ideas

Plan d'étage 142.02㎡

shades of pink floor plan 142.02
shades of pink 3d design picture 142.02
the apartment consists of a large linving area, a double bedroom with the inevitable walk-in closet, a study and a bathroom with shower

Exposition 12 Rendus

shades of pink 3d design renderings
the studio has both soft colors and some colorful details
shades of pink 3d design renderings
the paintings enrich the walls and the wall mirror creates amplitude
shades of pink 3d design renderings
shades of pink 3d design renderings
shades of pink 3d design renderings
shades of pink 3d design renderings
shades of pink 3d design renderings
shades of pink 3d design renderings
shades of pink 3d design renderings
shades of pink 3d design renderings
shades of pink 3d design renderings
shades of pink 3d design renderings
the dark-toned bedroom enhances the pink details, with an exposed walk-in closet

Ce projet home design - shades of pink a été publié le 2021-12-10 et a été conçu à 100 % par Homestyler floor planner, qui comprend 12 images rendues photoréalistes de haute qualité.

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