
Scarlett ellison

6 设计 · 3 贊

tiny house for 6 3d design renderings




tiny house for 6


空間展示 7 張渲染圖

Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom 3d design renderings
Please do not pay attention to the floating lamp. I was going to fix it but I was feeling lazy. Not much to say, I do like the feel of it though. Feels cozy.


bathroom 3d design renderings
Ok, I love this bathroom and I always will. I just think it's so cute and the way everything fits together. Beauty. I like the tub too.

Living and Dining Room

Living and Dining Room 3d design renderings
the kids eat here on the other hand. They aren't too young that they will make a huge mess, but not old enough that they will stay tidy. I think this living room is adorable.
Living and Dining Room 3d design renderings
The table and chairs are for the parents they will eat here because they deal with 4 boys. You have to give them some credit
Living and Dining Room 3d design renderings
This is the entryway. Sorry the photos aren't in order of how the doors are. But you can see all of the doors here. On the left, changing room. on the right, bathroom. Brown door ahead, kids room. White door ahead, parents room.

Kids Room

Kids Room 3d design renderings
they have 4 boys and I couldn't fit 4 single beds. that's how I ended up with bunks. not much to say.

changing room

changing room 3d design renderings


I would not have been able to fit dressers in the rooms, so I made a dresser room. They have 1,2,3,4 on it so they know and so you guys know which is which.

這篇名為tiny house for 6的家裝設計案例是於2022-10-12在Homestyler上公開發布的,並且100%由設計師使用Homestyler戶型設計軟件原創設計。此案例一共包含7張高質量渲染圖。

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