
Fer MG

badge 20 個のデザイン

23 デザイン · 76 好き

Green and light wood house. 3d design renderings




Green and light wood house.

6m x 25m with second floor a little bit smaller. I was inspired in the house that i used to live in my childhood. it was long and only had one floor.
I hope you like it :D

フロアプラン 155.69㎡

Green and light wood house. floor plan 155.69
Green and light wood house. 3d design picture 155.69
i wanted an open concept because my house had a lot of rooms and not a lot of the the sunlight enters and always was very dark.

スペースショーケース 14 回のレンダリング

Unnamed space

Unnamed space 3d design renderings

Unnamed space

Unnamed space 3d design renderings
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
Unnamed space 3d design renderings

Unnamed space

Unnamed space 3d design renderings
Unnamed space 3d design renderings

Unnamed space

Unnamed space 3d design renderings
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
Unnamed space 3d design renderings

このホームデザインプロジェクト-Green and light wood house.は2021-02-13に公開され、Homestylerフロアプランナーによって100%デザインされました。これには、14個の高品質の写実的なレンダリング画像が含まれています。

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