
Ava Asselstine

8 设计 · 3 赞

Large Bedroom Suite 3d design renderings




Large Bedroom Suite

A classy and comfortable double bed room with an off side living room, and fireplace front sitting area, office space, spacious on suite bathroom and large walk in closet.

平面布置图 106.22㎡

Large Bedroom Suite floor plan 106.22
Large Bedroom Suite 3d design picture 106.22
A space that is open nd flows well, with the closet tucked in nicely and the large bathroom not taking over. The tucked away living room in cozy and modern with a large window, and the sitting area in front of the fireplace is warm and homey.

空间展示 9 Renders

Unnamed space

Unnamed space 3d design renderings
Bright, Open and modern. The storage does not interfere and the space is clean.
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
The shower is not intrusive to the romm, and the small vanity chair and mirror are a luxurious touch.
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
Sunlight streaming in on a lovely tub. Spa day lighting!

Unnamed space

Unnamed space 3d design renderings
Double the beds! Modern chandeliers and some touches, like the hanging plant. A hanging TV does not intrude on floor space and is tucked away.
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
Cozy enough for a cat to enjoy the fireplace in the ottomans or lie right on the carpet with a pillow and a book. The office space is not compromised and is still light and open.
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
A dreamy window seat in a cozy but classy tucked off living area.

Unnamed space

Unnamed space 3d design renderings
Lots of bright, open storage.
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
Spacious, no need to bump walls.
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
A walk in closet with natural light!

这篇名为Large Bedroom Suite的家装设计案例是于2020-05-12在Homestyler上公开发布的,并且100%由设计师使用Homestyler户型设计软件原创设计。此案例一共包含9张高质量渲染图。

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