
Lulu Elefont

14 设计 · 26 赞

2020 house 3d design renderings




2020 house

Just had an idea to make a good looking house with every thing I want.

平面布置图 84.92㎡

2020 house floor plan 84.92
This is just so far the garage. I work on one room until it is fully finished then I make another room.

空间展示 8 Renders

Unnamed space

Unnamed space 3d design renderings
Lights are off.
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
Lights are off.
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
view of tools and gear with lights off.
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
This is a photo as if you were in the back seat of the red car. The lights are off in this picture.
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
This is a photo as if you were in the drivers seat of the silver car. This photo is without the lights on.
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
This is a two car garage. This photo is with the lights on.
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
This is some of the tools and gear. This photo is with the lights on.
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
when I make garages, I feel like they are incomplete until they have a car and some tools and gear and a couple of windows. This photo is with the lights on.

这篇名为2020 house的家装设计案例是于2020-01-02在Homestyler上公开发布的,并且100%由设计师使用Homestyler户型设计软件原创设计。此案例一共包含8张高质量渲染图。

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