
Christina Neely

5 设计 · 0 贊

Reptile coffee shop 3d design renderings




Reptile coffee shop

The design is baced on a design for my dad, which I hope he loves. Reptiles and coffee anyone? heh.

平面佈置圖 240.93㎡

Reptile coffee shop  floor plan 240.93
Reptile coffee shop  3d design picture 240.93
I didn't want it to be took complicated with all the walls and inserting of rooms. I wanted everything to be open and welcoming. After all it is a coffee shop. Enjoy.

空間展示 6 張渲染圖

Unnamed space

Unnamed space 3d design renderings
window view and fire place, good for group hangouts.
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
veiw from the door, (right side)
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
veiw from the door. (left side)
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
maybe the most private spot in the whole room, right in front of the tanks. Best place for hanging out.
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
The ordering station. where the coffees made.
Unnamed space 3d design renderings
The first coffee table you can see from the door, the table is set up this way so you can see the tank, but at the same time be a bit private.

這篇名為Reptile coffee shop 的家裝設計案例是於2020-01-10在Homestyler上公開發布的,並且100%由設計師使用Homestyler戶型設計軟件原創設計。此案例一共包含6張高質量渲染圖。

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