
Addi Jones

10 Dessins · 0 J'aime

Kasper's Flat 3d design renderings


Planificateur d'étage Homestyler pour Web

Créer mon propre design

Kasper's Flat

Another one for my Nano project, Shards of Crystal. Kasper Hawkins is an alchemist, a shopkeeper, and a councilor on the Consiel de Magie, the magical ruling body of the EU. If you gave him a choice, he'd be running his shop and doing alchemy without being on the Consiel; however, he's stuck.

Ce projet home design - Kasper's Flat a été publié le 2020-03-11 et a été conçu à 100 % par Homestyler floor planner, qui comprend 0 images rendues photoréalistes de haute qualité.

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