
Gabriela Lazea

14 デザイン 0 好き

Second Floor 3d design renderings




Second Floor

This is the second floor on a 2 level house.
It has a master bedroom , 2 additional bedrooms and a bonus room. The master bedroom has a master bathroom attached and a laundry room and a walk in closet.There is an opening to the lower level , and an additional bathroom and towel closet.

フロアプラン 115.8㎡

Second Floor floor plan 115.8
Second Floor 3d design picture 115.8

スペースショーケース 18 回のレンダリング


Bedroom1 3d design renderings
Bedroom1 3d design renderings
Bedroom1 3d design renderings
Bedroom1 3d design renderings


Bedroom 3d design renderings
Bedroom 3d design renderings
Bedroom 3d design renderings
Bedroom 3d design renderings
Bedroom 3d design renderings

Second Bathroom

Second Bathroom 3d design renderings
Second Bathroom 3d design renderings
Second Bathroom 3d design renderings
Second Bathroom 3d design renderings
Second Bathroom 3d design renderings
Second Bathroom 3d design renderings

Master Bedroom

Master Bedroom 3d design renderings
Master Bedroom 3d design renderings
Master Bedroom 3d design renderings

このホームデザインプロジェクト-Second Floorは2020-01-21に公開され、Homestylerフロアプランナーによって100%デザインされました。これには、18個の高品質の写実的なレンダリング画像が含まれています。

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