
Timea Kiss

6 デザイン · 11 好き

Bedroom and Office 3d design renderings




Bedroom and Office

This bedroom has an office attachment. The office has no door so the resident of the house can quickly step in or out of the office. I tried adding different colors, and I personalized it to fit the needs of a bookworm, or a princess. :)

フロアプラン 84.58㎡

Bedroom and Office floor plan 84.58
Bedroom and Office 3d design picture 84.58
I made a bedroom and attached an office. But, the office has no door, just an entrance where you can walk in.

スペースショーケース 6 回のレンダリング

Bedroom and Office 3d design renderings


Panorama of office.
Bedroom and Office 3d design renderings
This is the lounge area in the bedroom. There are bookcases with books and a couch and table where you can read.
Bedroom and Office 3d design renderings
This is the inside of the office. I added 3 windows so there could be lots of sunlight so work can be done.
Bedroom and Office 3d design renderings
This part of the room is separated a little. This where the person sleeps and has their "me" time.
Bedroom and Office 3d design renderings
This shows a different view.
Bedroom and Office 3d design renderings


This shows a different view.

このホームデザインプロジェクト-Bedroom and Officeは2019-11-06に公開され、Homestylerフロアプランナーによって100%デザインされました。これには、6個の高品質の写実的なレンダリング画像が含まれています。

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