
Ellie Duffy

1 Dessins · 2 J'aime

Modern Cottage 3d design renderings



Planificateur d'étage Homestyler pour Web

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Modern Cottage

This beautiful one-family town-home is perfect for a place to stay for here in Tennessee.

Plan d'étage 50.84㎡

Modern Cottage floor plan 50.84
Modern Cottage 3d design picture 50.84
A small space for you is perfect! One person doesn't need something big to be happy!

Exposition 4 Rendus

Modern Cottage 3d design renderings
The living area is an inspired modern nautical design.
Modern Cottage 3d design renderings

Modern Cottage 3d design renderings
And a lovely staircase spiraling up to a loft bedroom (picture not included).
Modern Cottage 3d design renderings
The kitchen has modern but cottage-y feel to it.

Ce projet home design - Modern Cottage a été publié le 2019-10-08 et a été conçu à 100 % par Homestyler floor planner, qui comprend 4 images rendues photoréalistes de haute qualité.

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