Overllaped cabinets

Cristi Moldovan 15 May

Hi guys, 

so I have this problem designing a kitchen because a got a corner filled with cabinets but they are overlapping and I dont know how to solve this problem. I tried to switch in „weak attaching” tool but still... Can someone tell me how to keep these 2 cabinets withound overlapped? 

Looking forward , Thank 

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Grace Simmons 20 May
When in the custom furniture interface, at the bottom right, look for the lock icon and turn it off. This will allow you to completely adjust the size(height/width/depth) of the cabinets so they fit and don't overlap.To make it easier make sure that you have 3D view on so you can see the measurements between cabinets. Also you can change the context menu (after clicking on cabinet) to scale which will give you dimensional arrows that you can adjust so cabinets will fit exactly side by side. See tutorial: https://www.homestyler.com/learn/custom-furniture
Homestyler support 15 May
Hello, you may adjust the size of the cabinets to make them smaller so that they will not overlapped.