The design interface is not loading.

Grace Simmons 20 Avril

After refresh, in incognito window ......


Using this link:⟨=en_US

I have restarted laptop, signed out and signed in. NOTHING.

 The same message appears every time: 

"If some plug-ins fail to load, the function will not be able to be used normally, please refresh and try again."

It's been 2 ½ hours and still......NOTHING IS HAPPENING.

No information available on the forum pages.

No information posted on opening flash page.NOTHING.

No notice that the site is down.NOTHING.

And I know from experience that it will take days before you even answer this email. So that will be days of lost time......and MONEY.

This site used to be reliable, but now it is more glitchy than ever. 


0 119 2


Grace Simmons 4 Mai
No it finally loaded@ N X
Hello, did you manage to find a solution? I'm still experiencing the same bug and it's been weeks. I can only access the app via another browser which limits the functionality so it's not an ideal option either.
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N X 3 Mai
Hello, did you manage to find a solution? I'm still experiencing the same bug and it's been weeks. I can only access the app via another browser which limits the functionality so it's not an ideal option either.
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