switching the language

Elena RAUPOVA 4-13

How can I switch from one language to another while working with the project? I cannot find this function? Is it available? 

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Iram Rehman 4-13
Found this post https://www.homestyler.com/forum/view/1503673655946911745?spm=a1zmxy.22532806.0.0.5a9d3b72eypMOU I hope it helps !
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Elena RAUPOVA 4-13
Thank you so much for your help Iram ! 💕@ Iram Rehman
Found this post https://www.homestyler.com/forum/view/1503673655946911745?spm=a1zmxy.22532806.0.0.5a9d3b72eypMOU I hope it helps !
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