Favorites and finishes not working - no tutorial or explanation.?

jpzehner 7 June

I have saved (or attempted to save) countless finishes for cabinets, yet when I appemt to change finishes on cabinets, no finishes are saved to my favoites. Moreover, many finishes are unavailable to select since the palatte only displays a limited (random) set of finishes for any type; for example wood grain. There are over 400 wood grian types, but only a limited ~30 are available at any time with no way to select more. Additionally, some wood grains that I have explicitly saves are also not available, nor are they accessible in My Favorites. Strangely, when I do encounter a wood grain that I have previously selected, it *IS* highlighted with the star, indicating it has remembered it as a favorit, but there is NO WAY to access favorites, or history for that matter. YES, there is a link to favorites, but the folders are empty. I am not using any cookie blockers or tools that would be interefering.

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jpzehner 8 June
Additionally, what is the point of the Search bar in the materials menu if it does not search the materials name? such as "Laminate floor 348"? nothing. It's impossible to get correct materials and finishes - or to even find them again.
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