Where can I find this structure feature????

Ali Ortiz 2022-5-18

Where can I find the feature to make this kind of structure? I tried wall opening but that goes all the way to the ground, and I'd like to ad a sort of beam or small wall at the edge. 

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Emma Harlow 2022-5-19
You should post some of your BEAUTIFUL work!!!~
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Ali Ortiz 2022-5-18
Ok thank you!@ Grace Simmons
This is an easy one! 1) Choose a wall/draw a wall (use from edge function) change the width of the wall to at least 1ft. Then use wall opening and change the elevation in right side menu. 2) draw a wall, same way as before. Change the height of the wall, click partial and then manually put in height. Then choose square column, place next to end of wall. Use parametric wainscot (structure menu) on the wall and the column. 3) create the design completely in custom modeling. Repurpose a shelf/flat coffee table for the ledge decor. Experiment & have fun.
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Grace Simmons 2022-5-18
This is an easy one! 1) Choose a wall/draw a wall (use from edge function) change the width of the wall to at least 1ft. Then use wall opening and change the elevation in right side menu. 2) draw a wall, same way as before. Change the height of the wall, click partial and then manually put in height. Then choose square column, place next to end of wall. Use parametric wainscot (structure menu) on the wall and the column. 3) create the design completely in custom modeling. Repurpose a shelf/flat coffee table for the ledge decor. Experiment & have fun.
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