Added automatic wainscot models,and more

Homestyler Official 17 March 2022

Floor Planner 01/2022 Release Notes - 【General Features】 related updates

1.【General Features】Added automatic wainscot models

In design, we always use wainscoting for wall design. A new catalog of wainscot models has been added to the Model Library-Structure. You can choose between the normal or parametric types of wainscot models. Simply drag a single wall panel in the design, quickly adjust the parameters and generate Cap Molding and Baseboard in the right property panel. Then you can also apply the edited wainscot to the current wall or whole room by simply clicking the button in the bottom right corner.

2.【General Features】Measurement tools supported in 3d and walkthrough views

Switch to 3D/Roam view in the design interface and click "Measure" in the tool. You can also mark multiple dimensions at the same time for reference without exiting the measurement function.

3.【General Features】Supported setting single side door pocket

After placing the door model, you can now set up different door pockets in the style interface on the right. Unlike previously you can only turn on or off the pocket option, you can now determine which side of the wall to apear with the pocket, so it can help us create some indoor invisible door type.

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الغازي رضي 28 March 2022
reda ghazi