How to hide the default ceiling of the room?

Homestyler Official 2021-2-20

When you finish customizing the ceiling and want to hide the default ceiling of the room, select the room in the 2D plane view, switch off the "Ceiling-Whether to show the ceiling" option in the right property panel, then you can hide the default ceiling of the room.吊顶完成后隐藏天花.gif

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Olivia Lovetree Dalton 1-25
this option isnt available....
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Chris Reeves 4-14
same, I cant see this option. I have a two story house, but only part of it is 2 stories. i cant seem to find this option in the 1 story part it just gives the default ceiling to all my rooms.@ Olivia Lovetree Dalton
this option isnt available....
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