How to hide the ceiling?

Homestyler Official 2021-1-26

1.If you have only one floor, switch to the plane view and select the room where the ceiling needs to be hidden, and turn off the show ceiling button in the right panel.

2.If you have multiple floors, for the uppermost floor, you could hide the ceiling the same way as above. If you want to hide the ceiling of the lower floors, switch to the floor above it and then click "Edit Floor" on the right, you could remove the corresponding floor slab of the upper floor (which is the ceiling of the lower floor).

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Harper White 2022-8-23
why does that option not show up for me?
15 コメントに返信する
Rosa María Castelló 2023-2-8
Porque estas en el plano RCP2 tienes que estar en planta con RCP1 y marcar el techo, entonces si que aparece la opción, me pasó lo mismo que a tí.@ Harper White
why does that option not show up for me?
1 コメントに返信する
Ariana Castro 2022-6-30
how can I have another ceiling height in the same space please?
1 コメントに返信する
krispy 2023-4-30
Hi Harper, your floor plan view says RCP, you need to change it to PLANE then you can check the side panel and the option should appear. Hope this helps@ Harper White
why does that option not show up for me?
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mildred.hernandez.vera 2022-12-10
Debes seleccionar el techo desde 2D,para poder obvservar las opciones que te pide@ Harper White
why does that option not show up for me?
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