scale settings

christine_wilson1217 2021-11-24

Hi there i am just starting off with Homestyler.  Can some one tell how i chance the scale on my floor plan when from importing plan i need 1/4" = 1' and for the life of me, i can not seem to find how to do this in the "length value"?  Thanks a lot.   '

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Grace Simmons 2021-12-15
💡💡💡 It just came to me......DUH. Draw your scale on your floor plan, when you upload the jpeg & click 'draw' use the scale you drew to define your measurements. If 1/4" = 1 ft, draw an inch and use the measure tool to measure out 4 ft. I always use floor plans that have at least 1 measurement or I base it on common room sizes. I just found a couple that only had scale notations, so I had to do the math in order to get the rooms I wanted in one cohesive layout design plan.
christine_wilson1217 2021-11-26
Thanks so much i will try your suggestion @ Grace Simmons
When uploading a floor plan (jpeg) you need the exact measurement. Once the measurement is input the system will scale jpeg to fit their design interface. Unless you have drawn the floor plan yourself scale notations will vary. Especially if its from the web, there are too many variables like the quality of the printing b/4 it was uploaded, resolution (DPI), size etc. I have found the same floor plan uploaded on different sites and the quality varies from site to site and from picture size. It's a pain to do the calculating but worth it if you really like the design.
Grace Simmons 2021-11-25
When uploading a floor plan (jpeg) you need the exact measurement. Once the measurement is input the system will scale jpeg to fit their design interface. Unless you have drawn the floor plan yourself scale notations will vary. Especially if its from the web, there are too many variables like the quality of the printing b/4 it was uploaded, resolution (DPI), size etc. I have found the same floor plan uploaded on different sites and the quality varies from site to site and from picture size. It's a pain to do the calculating but worth it if you really like the design.