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Either surrealism, or another planet) 3d design renderings


Homestyler Floor Planner for Web

Create My Own Design

Either surrealism, or another planet)

Не хотела я редактировать проект, но вынуждена это сделать, так как многие меня спрашивают, как я построила этот проект?!
Частично модифицировала имеющиеся декоративные объекты и камни с изменением масштаба, также было использовано моделирование в самой программе и дополнительно загружено несколько своих моделей.

Floor Plan 32.8㎡

Either surrealism, or another planet) floor plan 32.8
I didn't want to edit the project, but I have to do it, because many people ask me how I built this project?

Partially modified existing decorative objects and stones with scale changes, also used modeling in the program itself and additionally loaded several of 3D models.

Space Showcase 7 Renders

Either surrealism, or another planet) 3d design renderings
But overall, it’s a playful irony) a frivolous interior with serious claims) 😉
Either surrealism, or another planet) 3d design renderings
Either surrealism, or another planet) 3d design renderings
Either surrealism, or another planet) 3d design renderings
Either surrealism, or another planet) 3d design renderings
Either surrealism, or another planet) 3d design renderings
Either surrealism, or another planet) 3d design renderings

This home design project - Either surrealism, or another planet) was published on 2024-07-27 and was 100% designed by Homestyler floor planner, which includes 7 high quality photorealistic rendered images.

416 2016
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