The Promised Child; Greek Mythology.
For some considered myths; but also considered true by many Greeks as part of our country's culture. The promise child; commonly mistaken as Pegasus (a fictional Disney character). Son of Prometheus & Medusa (still have my doubts, because she was imprisoned & locked down inside her own temple, and it's believed she committed suicide because the Gods of the Olympus claimed she was mad, after assuring she had the golden pass to the throne but with no babies in her hands that could have proved it was true.) Also an hybrid, aka a titan. This sacred creature was send by the ancestors, with the mission to solve the conflict and war between gods & titans; meaning to finally return & establish peace between them. It was killed by Zeus. And it reincarnated as a mortal, by giving up it's powers. This home design project - The Promised Child; Greek Mythology. was published on 2023-08-10 and was 100% designed by Homestyler Mobile App, which includes 22 popular, exquisite models
a statue of a man and a statue of a horse
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