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Homestyler App for Mobile

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Coronavirus is a virus assumed to have started in Wuhan at a wet market supposably from Bats and Snakes 🐍.
My school is remaining open for now even if some of the teachers and students have symptoms but I was stopped going as my older sister has a chronic disease making her more vunrable to the virus then me.
I missed my Bff's birthday and soon my other friends b day to so my sister stays safe!
#Help #Vunrable #Stop Coronavirus

comment down below and heart if you or someone you know is at huge risk or if you are in a country where the virus is very bad! Also tell em if your school was shut!

This home design project - Coronavirus was published on 2020-03-19 and was 100% designed by Homestyler Mobile App, which includes 0 popular, exquisite models

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