A Montana home. I created this house for a fictional character. He rents out the home with his landlady's son, Christofer. Caring for the cow is in the contract.
Floor Plan
The original floorplan is meant to have the living room in the study, dining room in the current living room, and a sun room in the dining room. For MacIntosh and Christofer, they put the arrangement to their needs.
Christofer's mother converted the garage into a barn for her cow.
Space Showcase
15 Renders
I placed a long wooden table next to the charcoal grill for when MacIntosh or Christofer decide to grill out, they have a place to prep their meats or skewers without having to constantly open the patio doors.
Add pillows, rugs, and wall art to make the outdoors feel like another room in the house.
The Master Bedroom. This is MacIntosh's room, since he takes the bulk of the rental costs. I placed black and white photographs above the bed to balance the black and white buffalo check wingback on the other side of the room.
The Master Bathroom. Every farmhouse needs at least an accent of these gorgeous black and white tiles.
The Master Bathroom. The shelves above the toilet both serve as utilitarian and decorative purposes. MacIntosh placed an inspirational quote where he would see it every day.
The dining room. Originally meant to be a sun room. I added curtains so you won't get glaucoma while eating your dinner.
The laundry room. A counter spans across the length of this laundry room for an excellent folding space. No more piles of clothes in "the chair". I added a window so there would be a view to enjoy during the mundane chores.
The hall bathroom.
MacIntosh's Study. Every Montana home needs at least one deer head, whether ceramic or genuine. I added plenty of little touches in these bookshelves. Can you find them all?
MacIntosh's Study
MacIntosh's Study.
Christofer, like an regular ol' Joe, has a sweetheart. Her name is Valerie. When I saw the painting of the lady with the car and golf clubs, I knew it would depict Valerie very well.
Christofer's Bedroom. On the wall behind the camera is a chest of drawers placed on an angled wall. The chair is placed just so for a good spot to watch the television above the drawers.
Kitchen/Living Room
This home design project - MacIntosh's Home 1 was published on 2019-11-16 and was 100% designed by Homestyler floor planner, which includes 15 high quality photorealistic rendered images.
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