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Italian garden 3d design renderings


Homestyler Floor Planner for Web

Create My Own Design

Italian garden

Un'enorme piscina domina il giardino con il prato sempre ben tagliato e ricco di fiori che attirano farfalle, insetti e uccelli da tutte la parti. Due salottini esterni e una fontana completano gli spazi condivisi.


An enormous swimming pool dominates the garden with a lawn that is always well cut and full of flowers that attract butterflies, insects and birds from all over. Two outdoor lounges and a fountain complete the shared spaces.

Floor Plan 1523.05㎡

Italian garden floor plan 1523.05
Italian garden 3d design picture 1523.05

Space Showcase 18 Renders

This home design project - Italian garden was published on 2023-10-19 and was 100% designed by Homestyler floor planner, which includes 18 high quality photorealistic rendered images.

This interior design idea has been featured in Homestyler Gallery under the following tags:

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