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Pediatrician Office 3d design renderings


Homestyler Floor Planner for Web

Create My Own Design

Pediatrician Office

I wanted this pediatrician office to feel welcoming & cozy for patients coming in. I made the floor plan on AutoCAD & uploaded it here to make my design a realty.

This design incudes; Reception desk with File Room, Waiting Area, Breast Feeding Room, Workroom with Lockers, Two Bathrooms, Two Consulting Offices, Three Exam Rooms, Nurses Station & Storage Closet.

Floor Plan 539.78㎡

Pediatrician Office floor plan 539.78
Pediatrician Office 3d design picture 539.78
Clean & Welcoming

Space Showcase 1 Renders

Walkthrough of the space

This home design project - Pediatrician Office was published on 2023-06-12 and was 100% designed by Homestyler floor planner, which includes 1 high quality photorealistic rendered images.

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